

Posted: Sep 15, 2021 | Updated: Apr 26, 2022

xxxx xxxxx

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In dignissim id nunc ac pellentesque. Sed dolor nunc, eleifend a faucibus in, dapibus id risus. Vivamus rhoncus quam vitae convallis ultricies. Nam iaculis egestas mi, vel viverra turpis ultricies sit amet. Pellentesque facilisis suscipit est, ac fermentum justo efficitur at. Suspendisse quis iaculis libero, sed elementum elit. Mauris urna risus,


vestibulum eget sollicitudin sed, tempus quis erat. Praesent venenatis id dui quis euismod. Donec placerat metus id cursus placerat. Nam quis ligula rhoncus, interdum augue in, porta nibh. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc arcu lacus, cursus ac blandit vitae, imperdiet et mauris. Cras bibendum lorem tellus, malesuada auctor leo rutrum vel. Vestibulum dignissim metus libero, non lobortis diam ultricies nec. Nullam accumsan orci id lacus tincidunt gravida.


Donec vestibulum augue neque, quis pellentesque enim bibendum porttitor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla varius velit eget eros faucibus tempus. Sed eleifend pellentesque tempor. Etiam rhoncus dui ligula.

Pellentesque posuere eu lacus nec facilisis. Fusce at dapibus justo. Integer ut libero non massa mattis condimentum eu non massa. Morbi sollicitudin condimentum leo ut pellentesque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras fringilla, orci ut eleifend consequat, lacus felis efficitur quam, consectetur congue dui quam id nibh. Nullam feugiat sapien nec tincidunt iaculis. Sed venenatis maximus lacus sit amet venenatis. Praesent in finibus nisl. Donec et massa pellentesque, bibendum velit vitae, commodo nibh.

The Highlights

  1. Xxxxx Xxxxx dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In dignissim id nunc ac pellentesque. Sed dolor nunc, eleifend a faucibus in, dapibus id risus.
  2. Xxxxx Xxxxxquam vitae convallis ultricies. Nam iaculis egestas mi, vel viverra turpis ultricies sit amet. Pellentesque facilisis suscipit est, ac fermentum justo defficitur at. Suspendisse quis iaculis libero.
  3. Xxxxx Xxxxxdolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In dignissim id nunc ac pellentesque. Sed dolor nunc, eleifend a faucibus in.
  4. Xxxxx Xxxxxrhoncus quam vitae convallis ultricies. Nam iaculis egestas mi, vel viverra turpis ultricies sit amet. Pellentesque facilisis suscipit est.
  5. Xxxxx Xxxxx honcus quam vitae convallis ultricies. Nam iaculis egestas. Pellentesque facilisis suscipit est, ac fermentum justo efficitur at.
  6. Scams and Annoyances rhoncus quam vitae convallis ultricies. Nam iaculis egestas mi, vel viverra turpis ultricies sit amet. Pellentesque facilisis suscipit est.

Posted: Jun 5, 1995 | Updated: Jul 5, 2022

Rhodes on a shoestring

It was just after my final exams at University so by digging into an overdraft it was decided to go to Rhodes for a week of "relaxation". We were staying in Ixia which isn't quite as lively as Faliraki, the place for Brits ie. geared to drinking and late loud clubs - but it was cheap.

Thankfully, Rhodes isn't the kind of place that only accommodates drinking as Rhodes Town is an excellent place to go to if you are interested in walking through 700 year old streets. Surprisingly, the old town contained within the medieval fortifications had areas that were deserted of people so it was great to explore without the bustle of the crowds. Obviously though some areas had the tourists and plenty of tacky souvenir shops.

One enduring memory was me burning my chest on the second day because I fell asleep in the sun while Pat and Frazer watched. Will "wan" Hassan also joined us on this trip but he was staying in Faliraki which was convenient for Pat, Frazer and myself. Like a fool, Will elected to bring his missus. When we were clubbing and she went off to the toilet or the bar Will instantly became a man unleashed for his 5 minutes of freedom. Seeing him slinking up to girls here and there for a quick chat before Anna came back was a frequent sight - "Hey look at me, I'm still my own man..."

One of the funniest memories I have was of the night when Patrick poured iodine over Frazers face while he was asleep. As you may know, iodine stains the skin a deep brown. Thing is, Patrick was careless pouring out the liquid and left it form a pool in Frazers eye which wasn't fully shut.. At the sight of this I ran into my bedroom in fear of Frazer's reaction closely followed by Pat. Approximately 20 seconds later dim moans could be heard from Frazer's room. The volume of these moans rapidly increased and moans soon became cries and screams. It doesn't have to be said but me and Pat found this incredibly funny and had us rolling with laughter. However, there was a serious side to this and we worried (Patrick even more so as it was him who committed the vile act) whether this would damage Frazer's eye.

While we were in our room wondering what to do Frazer was in the bathroom dousing his eye with water me and Pat decided we had better see how he is and take whatever he wanted to do to us. Retaliation was the last thing on Frazer's mind though as kept crying and pouring water into his eye.

As it became apparent that he was undamaged and the pain was decreasing, "Are you OK, Frase?", was enough to bring tears of laughter back to my eyes. Trying to keep a straight face while expressing concern was difficult and became impossible when Frazer's brown stained face looked at me. Good on yer Fraser, you gave us all a real laugh that night!

Travel Greece














Other Destinations in Europe

After you've experienced my delights or horrors of Greece, see what the destinations below may have in store for you.

Belgium | Bulgaria | Czech Republic | Denmark | France | Germany | Greece | Holy See | Iceland | Italy | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | San Marino | Serbia | Spain | Sweden | United Kingdom |


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Hi! I’ve been travelling since the 90's and have visited 48 countries - not many really when the world has over 240 countries and states.

I'm lucky in that I live abroad, so for me, even with COVID devastating the world, the travel experience hasn't really gone away. Anyway, I can't wait to share more of my experiences, drop me a message and I'll get back to you ASAP.

Cycling Pulau Ubin, Singapore