

Posted: Sep 15, 2021 | Updated: Mar 18, 2023

The history of Kos is very long and rich and a trip to this fabulous island will leave the visitor with no shortage of activities and places to see.

That is of course if you are not part of the package holiday crowd swarming Kardamena and spending days recovering from the night before. The two other main resort areas of Kamari and Mastihari are the places to escape some of the rowdier elements of the touring masses.

If the days when you used to venture no more than a few hundred meters from your hotel are in the past, ancient Greek and Roman ruins, particularly the hauntingly well preserved Decumanus Maximus, a Byzantine fortress in the harbour, and many other sights will keep you busy.

What else can I mention? Oh yes, when I visited Kos I knew nothing about the island and when I left I knew not much more. You see, that's because I was part of the Kardamena crowd though to be fair, I pushed hard and did manage to persuade my reluctant companions to leave the sanctuary of the resort and visit Kos Town, from which I learned very little.

The mistakes of youth.

The Highlights

  1. Xxxxx Xxxxx dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In dignissim id nunc ac pellentesque. Sed dolor nunc, eleifend a faucibus in, dapibus id risus.
  2. Xxxxx Xxxxxquam vitae convallis ultricies. Nam iaculis egestas mi, vel viverra turpis ultricies sit amet. Pellentesque facilisis suscipit est, ac fermentum justo defficitur at. Suspendisse quis iaculis libero.
  3. Xxxxx Xxxxxdolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In dignissim id nunc ac pellentesque. Sed dolor nunc, eleifend a faucibus in.
  4. Xxxxx Xxxxxrhoncus quam vitae convallis ultricies. Nam iaculis egestas mi, vel viverra turpis ultricies sit amet. Pellentesque facilisis suscipit est.
  5. Xxxxx Xxxxx honcus quam vitae convallis ultricies. Nam iaculis egestas. Pellentesque facilisis suscipit est, ac fermentum justo efficitur at.
  6. Scams and Annoyances rhoncus quam vitae convallis ultricies. Nam iaculis egestas mi, vel viverra turpis ultricies sit amet. Pellentesque facilisis suscipit est.

Posted: Aug 18, 2001 | Updated: Mar 17, 2023

Adventures in Greece: The anti-travel blog

Kardamena with Pat and Chris...this holiday was going to be hard work. While packed with laughs and cruel banter, each day didn't vary much from a standard routine of wake up thirsty, drink, eat, moan, curse and then try and make it down to the beach by late afternoon. This was then followed by more food, watch some football, while away some time and then lo and behold - its the evening and another round of punishment.

With these types of holidays the first few days are great: everyone's keen; drinking loads and showing the young pups around how it's done. Party games were joined in with gusto though perhaps with a little too much gusto by Chris in the game of "Grab a partner and show how many sexual positions you know in a minute".

Chris started off like a sprinter, there went the doggie, then like a seasoned pro, the missionary while all the while the youngster next to him attempted to keep up. Two positions ticked off and only 5 seconds gone...surely we were looking at the winner?

However, stage fright gripped him in its iron grasp and Chris looked to his mates, eyes pleading for help. "Surely there can't be more than two sexual positions?" he thought. Of course, help was not offered so he stood up there shifting from foot to foot and repeating his two positions. Again. And again. His young lady was quite taken aback by this virgin behaviour from one so wizened and gestured to her friends that, "He's f***in' s**te, he is." Good old Chris. However, one young lady must have been impressed and took him under her wing.

It was almost a laugh a minute and there are too many tales to tell but 3 days of drinking was enough for me. I resorted to moaning and then morning vomiting by day 5. Not an unusual experience when with this couple of hardened drinkers. Breaking my tooth on a small bone in a Kleftiko by day 4 didn't add to my enjoyment either. It was either find the local butcher or wait till I got back to the UK. I elected for the latter.

Talking of broken teeth, I almost broke some more playing a version of musical chairs. I had progressed quite far by barging a lass off her seat just as she got there a split second before me. No matter - winning is all. The final round involved a race to the sea through a narrow strip of sand with sun beds on either side. The music stopped which was the cue to begin the race but I started at the back and had some ground to make up.

Desperate to win, I stumbled on the sand and fell to the floor. When I looked up my nose was centimetres from a sunbed. Needless to say, I lost the race. After this I then tried to apologise to the lass that I had sent sprawling but ended up apologising to the wrong person who had no idea what I was talking about. Chris and Pat, amused by my error smirked in the background and said nothing - then again, neither would I.

Uncultured bunch you may be thinking and you are probably right but I did manage to drag the chaps to Kos Town which has some Roman and Greek ruins. Chris wasn't keen but he was suffering with a huge hangover and him walking around while dehydrated in 30 degrees Celsius did give us some satisfaction. An interesting place, you can even see the alleged tree that Hippocrates taught under.

Travel Greece














Other Destinations in Europe

After you've experienced my delights or horrors of Greece, see what the destinations below may have in store for you.

Belgium | Bulgaria | Czech Republic | Denmark | France | Germany | Greece | Holy See | Iceland | Italy | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | San Marino | Serbia | Spain | Sweden | United Kingdom |


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Hi! I’ve been travelling since the 90's and have visited 48 countries - not many really when the world has over 240 countries and states.

I'm lucky in that I live abroad, so for me, even with COVID devastating the world, the travel experience hasn't really gone away. Anyway, I can't wait to share more of my experiences, drop me a message and I'll get back to you ASAP.

Cycling Pulau Ubin, Singapore